The Bus Blog

The buses of Barranquilla have caught my attention since the day I arrived. I stared out the taxi window on my way from the airport, amused by the wild colors and blinking lights. I was afraid I would never understand how they work. A month later, I have by no means mastered the bus "system," but I'm slowly but surely trying new routes and learning my way around.

I've been wanting to photo-document these crazy buses for weeks, but whipping out my camera on the street or on the bus would not be the smartest idea. The other day I was determined, though, so I sat on some stairs near my apartment and attempted to, as subtly as possible, snap pictures of all the buses that went by. Here's the result:

The inside of the buses are the best part, though. Each bus has its own theme, whether Jesus, Junior (the local soccer team), or the driver's significant other. Many have fringed curtains adorning the windows or a gear shift cover that looks something like a shag carpet with a face. Sometimes the decor reminds me of a dilapidated carnival, or the scene from "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"---the chrome has lost its shine and the red fabric looks a little dingy.

Since I'm probably not going to risk taking pictures on the bus, I'll have to leave it up to your imagination. Or you'll have to come visit...