Hebrews 12

The last few weeks I’ve started running, and if you know me very well you know I’ve never been a big fan of exercising, ESPECIALLY running! But the more I do it, not only is it becoming more bearable but I’ve started enjoying the challenge. This morning as I ran, I understood in a new way, from first-hand experience, the verse that says “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Running and my walk with Christ share many similarities: neither one is always easy or pleasant; both require training; and in both cases, the reward is so worthwhile. To persevere with running, I have to have a goal in sight, whether it’s the next stop sign or the finish line. With my faith, I also have to set my eyes on the goal: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” As I finished my run today, I listened to Jeremy Camp’s song “I am nothing” and it was so great to be reminded of the truth that I can’t do anything on my own:

I am nothing without Your love
I'm unworthy but Your death has been enough
I'm completed by Your touch,
But I feel like I've been given so much. I am nothing
You are everything
So I thank you