
The past few weeks have been a season of tiredness and anxiety for me. I don't fully understand the cause, but I've felt buried under work and ministry commitments. My joy has been lacking, and I feel burdened by a sense of duty. This song by Jenny & Tyler has helped me meditate on Truth. Abide
You strive, O man, and you strive again/ Your heart too proud to rest/ You labor on singing those songs/ To cover your weakness/ Do you fail to recall who you really are/ And Who caused you to be?/ Return, O man, return and rest/ To a burden light and yoke easy/ Abide in your Savior. Abide in His love/ The labor of God is to trust in the Son/ O you possess, do you forget?/ As if by your own strength/ You earned it? No./ He gave you all, everything you have/ Your righteousness/ Your light, your breath/ Your daily bread and wine/ His blood, His flesh/ His love, His death/ Your faith and endless life/ Abide in your Savior. Abide in His love/ The labor of God is to trust in the Son/