The Scoop

One of the reasons I started a blog is because I wanted to keep everyone up to date on what I'm doing this summer. Most of you probably don't know this yet (I didn't either until two weeks ago :) but I'm going on a missions trip to Honduras in June. Grace Point, my church in Cleveland, is doing a medical missions trip to serve a village in Honduras. A couple of weeks ago they had someone drop out and needed someone to go to lead activities and lessons with the kids. Within a day of hearing about the need, I was signed up! In many ways I feel unprepared since it is so last-minute, but I'm so excited for the opportunity!

So here's a little run-down of my summer schedule:
>Now through June 3: I'm at home, substitute teaching, taking online classes, and enjoying summer.
>June 3-6: Trip to Indianapolis to be in my roommate Ashley's wedding.
>June 12-20: Honduras mission trip
>June 29-August 4: Mexico City, for a month-long TESOL certification course
>August 10-16: Victoria and Caroline (friends in California) are coming to NC to visit.
>August 16: Head back to Lee!

Wow, as I write all that down I realize what a busy summer it is! But I'm thankful for every part of it, from time here at home with my family to getting to travel! It's my last summer as a college student so I have to enjoy the freedom and flexibility. I hope you'll be able to check in every once in a while as I'll try to post updates and pictures. And a happy summer to everyone!