"Theology matters because if we get it wrong, our whole life is wrong." "We're all theologians. The question is whether what we know about God is true."
Joshua Harris' latest book is more than "Theology for Dummies," but it does have a simple, relevant style that gave me not only a better intellectual grasp on the pillars of my faith, but engaged my heart in the beauty of the Good News.

I'm Not Hanging Noodles On Your Ears
by Jag Bhalla
…which is the Russian version of “I’m not pulling your leg.” This book of idioms from around the world is highly entertaining, even for more than language nerds like me.

Loving God With All Your Mind by Elizabeth George
I'm only about a fourth of the way through this one, but what I've read has been transformational. According to George, it really is possible--and a command--to take control of our thoughts such that they honor God. More than that, our mind is one of the primary means of conveying our love for God (through obedience). The parts I've read, entitled "Training Your Thoughts" and "Winning Over Worry" are saturated with excellent content.

El Retrato de Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The movie poster for "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" caught my attention when I was in Buenos Aires, and then it came and went from theaters in Barranquilla before I had the chance to see it. I'd never read the classic, so a friend from church lent me her copy. It's been a couple years since I've read literature in Spanish, so this is a good mind-stretcher.

Just Do Something
By Kevin DeYoung
I just started this book but I can't recommend it enough. If you've ever been stumped by the question "What's God's will for my life?", this book is liberating. According to DeYoung, we Christians need to stop overspiritualizing every decision and just do something! Following God's will isn't some mystic process; it's walking in wisdom.